The Institute for Mindfulness-Based Approaches (IMA) is the oldest training institute for mindfulness-based approaches on the European Continent. It was founded in 2001 by Dr. Linda Lehrhaupt, who continues to serve as its executive director.
With its commitment to excellence, the IMA has been a standard bearer both in Europe and internationally for the development of teacher trainings in mindfulness-based programs. The institute’s faculty are among the most experienced and longstanding trainers in Europe and represent ten countries.
From May 2025, this English-language MBSR teacher training near Berlin offers a compact format of seven modules online and two modules live.
Together with the International Mindfulness Centre Japan (IMCJ), we will offer our third MBSR Teacher Training in the fall of 2025. For further information, please contact with IMCJ -> More information
MBSR Teacher Training in Warsaw, Poland beginning Fall 2025
The next online MBCL Teacher Training is planned for spring 2027. As soon as the date is finalised, you will find it here.
Formation d’instructeur MBSR en France avec la collaboration d’Euthymia et de l’IMA juin 2025 – décembre 2026 (FR13)
By Linda Myoki Lehrhaupt
Spring offers up the promise of joy, hope and inspiration. These qualities can be nourished even in the darkest of seasons, including this one: It is early April 2022, and the warfare continues in the Ukraine. There too spring has arrived, and with new life there is also the death of thousands on both sides of the conflict. But Spring, with its strong drive toward life, mirrors qualities that can inspire us, if we allow them, in these troubled, threatening times.
The first of these qualities is trust. Trust is embodied and expressed in the myriad spring blossoms responding to the warmth of the sun.
The second quality is vulnerability. There is a great deal of uncertainty around the bursting forth of new shoots and flowers.
So there is the trust of opening to the sun’s warmth and the vulnerability to frost.
Both present year after year, millennium after millennium, from the beginning of life on this earth.
There is an increasing amount of research showing the beneficial effects of compassion-based interventions for our physical, emotional and relational health. Supportive evidence for Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living has been published in various scientific publications (Bartels-Velthuis et al. 2016; Krieger et al. 2016; Schuling et al. 2017; Ondrejková et al. 2020). Two recent controlled trials showed significant health benefits in a clinical population with recurrent depression who followed MBCL after MBCT (Schuling et al., 2020) and a non-clinical population who followed an online adaptation of MBCL (Krieger et al. 2019).
A talk by Dr. Linda Lehrhaupt to graduates of an MBSR teacher-training program
The last sessions of some of our MBSR teacher-training programs took place during the Covid 19 pandemic in late spring 2020. And for the first time, we were holding the trainings online; a new experience for everyone. We were all enthusiastic how well things went, and the participants were especially happy because they had feared not being able to complete their training.
Our training program has already been completed by numerous teachers internationally.
Here you will find qualified MBSR, MBCT and MBCL teachers in your area!